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15 Ways You Can Be Happier In 2015…Right Now!

by Lauren Pickens

If one of your resolutions is to be happier, you’re not alone.

We all strive to make every year better than the last, and this includes increasing our level of happiness.

Keep reading for fifteen strategies to increase your level of happiness this year!

be happier

How To Have An Awesome 2015

1. Schedule time for yourself every week

For many, free time is scarce. One way to make sure that you have a moment to yourself is to set aside time in your schedule specifically for you.

Related: 10 Ways You Can Reduce Stress

Use this time to do something that you enjoy. This may be watching your favorite television show, baking, or maybe reading. Just make sure that it’s something that will help you de-stress and unwind.

2. Make an effort to connect with others

Humans are social creatures. Interacting with friends and family on a regular basis is a great way to invite happiness into your life.

Make more of a point to spend quality time with the people that you love. Turn off your electronics and allow yourself to fully focus on enjoying the company of others.

This also applies to professional relationships. You don’t have to be best friends with your colleagues and peers, but being on good terms with them makes work or school a much more positive environment. This could be achieved by bringing food in to share, or just by having a friendly conversation.

Related: The Kindness Cure: 4 Ways Being Nice Can Be Good For Your Health

3. Give back

Do something for someone else without expecting anything in return. You’ll be surprised by how much helping someone else who is in need can help you be happier.

Volunteer, help out a neighbor, or send someone an email letting them know how much you appreciate them.

4. Eliminate the negative from your life

Take a moment to pinpoint the things that kept you from being happy in 2014. Once you know what these things were, you can cut them from your life.

There may have been negative friends, bad habits, or poor choices that were making you unhappy. You don’t have to allow these destructive to be in your life anymore.

5. Make a lifestyle change

Change may be just what you need to be happier in 2015. Doing something differently may help you find what makes you happiest.

Related: 6 Ways To Become Happy

Switch up your diet, exercise routine, or hobbies. Keep trying new lifestyle changes until you find habits that maximize your happiness.

6. Remember to appreciate the little things

Take nothing for granted. Pay attention to the small things in your life that make you make you happy; even if it is something as little as having fresh flowers in your home.

Make a note of what brings you joy and make a point to do these things more often. This will give you the ability to find happiness in every day.

7. Stop worrying about what others think of you

A major source of unhappiness is low self-esteem and confidence. In today’s society, we spend so much time worrying about what others think about our appearance, or how many likes we get on our latest Instagram post.

Related: 7 Reasons Why People With Confidence Succeed

At the end of the day, the most important thing is self-respect. Loving yourself regardless of what others think of you is a crucial factor in achieving happiness.

8.  Overcome a fear

Do something that scares you. Overcoming your fears is a testament to how strong you are. Don’t let your fears hold you back from doing something that will make you happy.

If you’ve always dreamed of singing at an open mic night then pluck up the courage and go for it!

9. Start treating your body well

Eating well and working out on a regular basis will make you happier as well as boost the level of energy that you have on a daily basis.

Your health is tied to your happiness, so use 2015 as a time to make sure that you are taking care of your body.

Related: The Health Nut’s Ultimate Guide To Alcohol

10. Live your life the way you want to live it

Let go of all that anxiety and just be you. Speak up for the things that you believe in and stand up for yourself.

Even if you lose people along the way, you’ll be happier knowing that you have taken a stand for your morals and beliefs.

12. Allow yourself to be happier

This may sound silly, but the thing that is keeping you from being happy might just be a mental block. You could be holding yourself back from happiness for a number of reasons.

Maybe you are scared of being let down, or maybe you don’t think that you deserve to be happy. Whatever the reason, just let it go this and let happiness in.

Related: A Soldier Asked A Little Boy Why He’s Happy. His Response Will Give You Chills.

13. Laugh a little

Laughter can bring immense joy into your life. Read a silly joke once a day, go to a comedy show every now and then, or watch a funny video on the internet.

Bring more of whatever makes you giggle into your life.

14. Take pride in your work

Even if what you do for a living isn’t something that you are extremely passionate about, treating every task as something that is worthwhile and worthy of your full attention will help you be more satisfied with your work.

15. Get more rest

If you are well rested, you’ll be ready to face the day with a positive attitude and less inclined to be cranky.

When you sleep, your body and mind are given a chance to recuperate and get prepared for all of the tasks that you have to complete in the following day.

The Takeaway

Look at this year as a fresh start. You have the capability to be happier with your life. These strategies can give you inspiration for ways that you can turn this resolution into a reality.


Lauren PickensLauren Pickens is a freelance writer and Inspiyr contributor. She holds Bachelor of Arts in Communications and enjoys writing about lifestyle and culture. To read more of her writing, visit her website.

Photo by Pouline Gernes

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