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Will Moving to a New Location for Work Alleviate Mental Health Issues

by Editor

Depression, anxiety, and other common mental health issues can trigger our “Fight or Flight” response. In “flight” mode, we may consider leaving our location for a new start, but can moving actually help improve our mental health? Maybe not, but it might help with the healing process.

When You Should and Shouldn’t Move For Work

Moving to a new location doesn’t guarantee you’ll alleviate your mental health issues, but it depends on your circumstances. Here are some reasons why you should or shouldn’t move.

Move: If You Experience SAD

If you tend to feel depressed in the winter, you may have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). As a positive, you’re likely mentally okay enough to handle the stress of the move during the summer. We recommend high-tailing it out of your toxic work culture while you feel alright.

By moving to a tropical location for work, you’ll have more time in the day to get your daily dose of vitamin D. A Hawaii travel nursing opportunity can put you in a location with a lot of sun. 

Don’t Move: If You’ll Lose Your Support Network

Moving to a new location just to have a better-paying job may do more harm than good. While we all have to make sacrifices to live a more fulfilling life sometimes, you shouldn’t consider doing so if your friends, family, and current psychiatrist are integral to your success. 

However far you may go, moving isn’t likely to solve your problems if you don’t have your support network with you. Even if you do make friends, they can’t replace the ones you have.

Move: If Your City Offers Little Opportunity

Not being able to pay your bills will make anyone’s situation less tolerable, but those with mental health issues feel the strain even more. If you live in a suburb or town that doesn’t support your mental wellness, it can be hard to expect your employer to care for you in your time of need.

A change in location can give you access to more job opportunities and more progressive employers who want to help you grow as a person, achieve your dreams, and meet your goals.

Don’t Move: If You’ll Feel Excessive Anxiety

Moving is a stressful and frustrating experience, no matter who you are. However, if you have an anxiety disorder that’s triggered by new experiences or prolonged difficulties, you may not be ready to move. You may even cancel your plans, which could put you in a worse situation.

If you’re really intent on moving, explore the new location first. Make new friends and try to engage in your favorite activities with your current friend group before you actually move.

Move: If Your Current Location is Full of Bad Memories

Some places have a general vibe that doesn’t suit you. Other times, your environment can be straight-up toxic. Small towns, in particular, can be terrifying to live in if you don’t fit in or do something that makes someone angry. Rumors spread quicker in rural communities.

On the other hand, you may find it difficult to walk by places that remind you of someone, or your favorite hang-out spot was ruined by a coworker. Either way, it’s time to move elsewhere.

Don’t Move: If You Don’t Have the Resources

Unfortunately, 63% of Americans live pay-check to pay-check, and if you’re included in that statistic, it will be difficult to move. The last thing you want for your mental health is to become financially insecure on top of everything else. But, a lack of funds doesn’t mean you’re stuck. 

If your job is severely affecting your mental health, start looking for a new one right now. A change of pace may make you feel that moving isn’t necessary to gain a fresh perspective.

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