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The Top 3 Rated Organizing Apps You Need Now

by Kristen Fisher

“When it comes to organizing what can I do?” How many times has this been typed into Google’s search bar regarding a sudden need to become organized? Along with searching for tips and to-do lists that can be print out at the ready? More times than most, we end up clustered with unorganized tasks. (For Android and iOS)

  • Price – Free

Busy, busy, busy. is for everyone who has a busy week or a busy life in general. While you can sync between iPad, iPhone, and desktop staying up to date with last minute details can make or break a work day. From to-do lists, list reminders, being able to compare lists (making these lists specific can help to identify which areas need your attention more).  This app even comes with a voice entry sequence.

IFTTT (For Android and iOS)

  • Price – Free

IFTTT combines the apps you use most without wasting your time. This app is for anyone looking to simplify dauntless internet tasks. The coolest aspect about IFTTT is the applets that come along with the app. Consider this an app that weeds out the useless apps without taking up your time. The automated tasks by backing up photos, messages and repetitive sequences used for various apps.

Slack (For Android and iOS)

  • Price – Free

Slack provides a useful grouped chatting experience. Without experiencing the dreaded group chat from Facebook, Slack takes out the annoying and replaces it with a useful technique. This idea of coordinating certain conversations with various individuals. Helping to group together a party planning event, a job expo or getting family all in one spot for dinner. Slack categorizes and archives conversations so it is easier to go through and search through old conversations with ease.

We know how restless one can feel when things get out of hand. A helping hand with an organized app can solve many problems. By taking away the unnecessary stress and replacing with a reliable connection of apps to help utilize tasks.

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