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How to Read 1,000 Books in a Year (We’re Not Kidding)

by The Inspiyr Team

Have you ever wanted to speed-read? Do you want to be able to “download” information almost effortlessly so you can transform your personal growth, get healthier, and be happier?

There’s a way to do this for real, without having scientists lock yourself into electrodes or make you look like you’re taking part in a science fiction novel.

What’s the secret?

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It’s simple – take out the fluff, and only read the best advice taken from the most important personal growth books of all time.

“Yeah, but who’s got time for that?”, you ask?

Don’t worry…our friends at Blinkist have done the work for you.

That’s right – Blinkist, the new app designed to help you take advantage of the most important personal growth and health information has gone through the classics and have summarized only the information you need to know. You can access this info in an easy to use app.

And the best part? Because we’ve partnered with Blinkist, they’re offering you a 20% discount…but only for a little while. Sign up here and get access to the app so you can transform your mind, your body, and your life!

>>>Get access to your 20% discount here!

Featured photo by The Marmot

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