Do you have a positive money mindset? If so, it can have a huge impact on your finances.
Budgeting, saving, and keeping your finances in order can be challenging. On top of that, it can be easy to get discouraged about ever making any financial progress when we’re constantly inundated with gloom and doom about the economy, the job market, and rising prices on everything from groceries to gasoline.
Don’t let all that negativity convince you that there’s just no way you can be successful financially. You can! Here are four things you can do to stay positive about your financial future and develop a money mindset that can lead to lasting wealth.
4 Ways to Develop a Positive Money Mindset
1. Don’t give in to the shame game
If you’ve lost your way financially, it’s never too late to find it again. Don’t let anyone box you into the role of always being irresponsible with money. You probably don’t need any more money lectures…you need money motivation.
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What do you dream of? What do you want to achieve? It is within your reach. It may not come quickly or easily, but with commitment, you can achieve your financial goals.
Being disciplined about your finances is hard work. Just like dieting, exercising, or any other self-improvement efforts, you may experience setbacks but keep your eye on the prize.
2. Acknowledge your mistakes and take personal responsibility for them
Blame is a negative emotion. It may not seem like it at first, but taking personal responsibility is actually liberating because accepting responsibility is an acknowledgment that you are in control of your own life. Isn’t that the way you want it to be?
Putting blame on someone or something else gives them control over you. Charting your own financial destiny is exciting and scary all at the same time. It’s also empowering.
Take control of your financial power, and then use that power to make smart financial decisions. No one is perfect. We’ve all made mistakes, financially and otherwise. Vow to start doing things differently. Start making better financial choices. Those choices should include less spending and more saving.
3. Create a financial support group
This group should consist of people who want you to be successful financially. It should also consist of people who put a high degree of value on hard work, responsibility, and integrity rather than material possessions. When you’re having financial discussions with your support group, check any negativity and pessimism at the door. It’s true that these people should be able to give it to you straight, but it should be in an encouraging and motivating way.
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Be willing to ask these people for help when you need it. If you’ve chosen people you trust to be in your support group, you should be able to take their advice to heart.
4. Reward yourself when you achieve a milestone on your financial journey, but don’t do it by spending money
Remember – the best things in life really are free. Reward yourself by taking some time to read a good book, watch your favorite TV show, or do some gardening.
Even if you feel like you’re only taking small steps forward, that’s okay. A small step deserves a small reward, and a large step will often be its own reward. But large or small, be sure to build on that momentum and keep moving forward.
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The Takeaway
You can be successful financially if you develop a positive money mindset. Commit to achieving your financial goals, take responsibility for your financial choices, join or start a money support group, and reward yourself as you hit your milestones. Start now!
Clare K. Levison is a certified public accountant and author of Frugal Isn’t Cheap: Spend, Less, Save More and Live Better. She is a national financial literacy spokesperson for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and has appeared on major radio and television networks across the country discussing various personal finance topics.
Featured photo by Philip Taylor PT