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10 Things Women Want Men to Know

by Russell Smith

You’ve spent your life fishing in the sea of women, casting your line but never getting a good catch. After so many wasted attempts, you feel pretty defeated. In the midst of soaking up that defeat, did you ever stop to think that maybe you weren’t using the correct bait?

Man and Woman sitting by the sea side

Men, Are You Doing These 10 Things?

In case you need help choosing the right lure, Astroglide has compiled a list of the top 10 things women want men to know about them. The list was compiled using actual responses from the company’s Twitter followers, so this is some advice that has been tested in the real world. The results, both discerning and entertaining, provide better insight into that age-old question of what women want. By recognizing the helpfulness of these tips, men can develop a stronger, more valuable understanding of women and alleviate the enigma that surrounds them.

Developing a broader understanding of how women operate is essential to building a solid relationship with them. At first, this may seem a bit confusing, but it can be easy. The first and most important step to understanding women is communication. For men who are looking for a relationship or for those who are in the beginning stages of one, it’s important to figure out what she’s like. Asking her questions (tip #5) is a good start, beginning with her career, hobbies, and interests. While inquiring about her life assists in developing a strong connection with her, listening to what she has to say is equally as important. In the end, all that interrogating can really pay off.

Even for men who are already in committed relationships, acquiring an awareness of her thoughts and preferences is fundamental to a healthy relationship. If men don’t put effort into learning the basic preferences and interests of their women, then the relationship may not be as solid as it could be. Even more so, proving to your woman that you’re a secure and self-assured man provides her with a sense of stability by reassuring her of your manliness. Astroglide’s second tip lays out the basics of this law, “Women like a man to be assertive without being a jerk. They need someone to stand up for them as an equal partner.” You heard it, men: be confident, but not too confident.

Of course, a poll by Astroglide wouldn’t be much of a poll if it didn’t include sex. When it comes to the bedroom, women can be pretty picky, and that’s why it’s important to (once again) communicate with your woman about her penchants and her peeves. Some women prefer men who are good dancers (tip #6) and others want men who are willing to demonstrate their vigor and control in the boudoir (tip #10). Either way, it seems that the key to discovering your woman’s inner-fantasies rests with communication and understanding.

Women are different than men, of course, but they’re not as unattainable, mysterious, or complicated as we think (or as they may want us to think). Finding “the one” is hard work, and sometimes it takes a bit of time for two people to figure out if they’re well-matched. Essentially, the easiest way to find out if you’re compatible with another woman is by talking to her. Yes, sometimes the process of getting to know someone new can be anxiety-ridden and awkward, but the advantages can drastically compensate for the stress that it causes. But of course, if that fails, there’s always that bottle of Astroglide…

Here they are, 10 Things To Know About Women from our friends at Astroglide…

1. They want you to have your own place. If you want to be engaged but are still living at home, then you need to make some changes.

2. Women like a man to be assertive without being a jerk. They need someone to stand up for them as an equal partner.

3. They pay attention to what you wear and how you wear it. Backward baseball caps, tight muscle shirts, and saggy pants are out. Don’t even try the black socks and sandals routine.

4. Women don’t typically want to talk with their current man about the number or certainly not the “size” of any of their past partners. Some topics are simply off-limits.

5. They like genuine questions that show their man truly cares about their wellbeing. Ask them about their job, friendships, and other issues, and then just listen.

6. Many women enjoy a concert or dancing dates so they can see how their date’s dance moves might transfer to the bedroom.

7. Married women often need some quiet time after the kids go to bed. You don’t have to talk, just let her enjoy 15 minutes of peace.

8. Some women prefer text messages to phone calls early in a relationship.

9. A little playful roughness is good in bed, so don’t be afraid to hold on tight or move a little harder.

10. Married women still want to feel desired, so be sure to give sincere compliments and remind her how spicy she is every day!

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