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Forming A New Habit

by Kristen Fisher

What do we always wish for when January rolls around? Being able to start new habits and be rid of the unnecessary ones.

Officially statistics have proven that forming a new habit can take up to 27-31 days to become routine. Typically this means we would give up on day 10-15 because frustrations build and no matter how hard we try it seems pointless.

Instead, try to incorporate a new habit that is seemingly small. No more than 5 minutes of your time should be taken away and essentially could be done in the morning hours. Taking something such as getting up 10 minutes earlier, drinking a healthy green shake or counting those steps should be done in moderation. Never attempt to create a new habit all at once, this is too much stress on the brain.

For instance, starting a yoga course at home could hit a dead end because you are pressuring yourself to commit to something. Honestly, a habit has to happen gradually over time to stick.

With habits, the brain has already crafted out a pathway (a familiar feeling) of neurons that contribute to this. Building a new and better habit means carving out a new pathway, which can take time. Reminding yourself that time is a valuable and earned component will save you a lot of heartache.

Watch This TEDx Talks

Below BJ Fogg introduces an excellent way to slowly move towards a habit-forming reality. Rather than another failed attempt at changing a routine you’ve become accustomed too. Even though the video is 17 minutes long, dedication also comes with forming new habits, so give it a try.


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