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Creating Zen and Living Simply

by Kristen Fisher

More than ever most individuals want to live a simple, zen lifestyle. To accomplish these attributes, there are a few ways to move towards a more minimalistic way of living. Living simply does not mean clearing out your living space (this can actually help with de-cluttering) but, learning to allow the little things to resonate can.


One way (maybe not the quickest way) to achieve a Zen lifestyle is to start writing. Whether it’s writing in a journal, diary or on post-it notes. This form of expression can be quite liberating, as well as help individuals see in plain view things that may be cluttering up their lives.

Wake Up Early

Even for me, this is a tough one… since I’m a self-certified night owl. However, some mornings are best intended for a little R&R, reserved purely for yourself. Waking up early can help with organizing or smooth out an easily rushed morning. So go ahead, take some deep breaths and make that breakfast you’ve been promising yourself.

Personal Finance

Bizarre as it sounds… but, learning and utilizing sources for personal finance will ease your mind. Figuring out a budget, what percentage can be used for shopping (for fun) and shopping (for necessity). Instead of constantly looking over your shoulder into your bank account, you’ll always have a great estimate of how much can be spent where.

Taking Time For Yourself

Did you hear that sigh in the room, yes… that was you. Because that small notion above rings far too true. Take the time for self-care, treat yourself with kindness and remember you come first not second, third or last. You are the main actor in your life after all, why not have a go at it?

Each of these things can offer a zen based outlook on life. If you meditate, well then you’ve already discovered a sure fire way towards simplicity but, sometimes we need an extra boost.

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