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Being the Listener

by Kristen Fisher

How can you be the friend who is always there for everyone, yet save some “me” time to recharge? There are some individuals who experience a mentally drained sensation after being that “ear” for a close friend. Now don’t get us wrong, it’s not because we do not want to be there for our friends, it’s just most of the time the “listeners” can be taken advantage of.

So What Needs To Change?
  • Speak Up: Speak up about needing a friend to lean on or for someone to listen to you.
  • Address the Issue: More so this about addressing the issue to yourself. This is not playing the victim, this about acknowledging how you feel.

Take Time To Recharge

Whether you suffer from anxiety or sensory overload, sometimes being the friend “who is always there to hear another’s problems” can truly affect you. Taking the time to recharge, like taking a nap, going for a walk or meditation can greatly recharge those social batteries.

There are even a few breathing techniques (which involves three sets of deep breathing) to help reduce anxiety.

Are Others Sucking Your Energy

Now, this also could be another point of interest. Figuring out if your friend is actually sucking your positive energy whenever they need too. Typically people use the term “energy vampire” for this type of problem. What happens is that a friend seemingly only calls on you when they are feeling down (usually they never want to hang out at any other time). This may involve a situation where you end up cheering them up (this wouldn’t be a problem) however, you feel drained of any energy you once had.

When it comes to being listened to or the listener, this should be treated equally. Sadly this simple tool can be misused by certain individuals who expect others to help them no matter what, without giving anything back.

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