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7 Tips For Leaving a Professional Voicemail Message

by Sydney Epstein

In today’s world of gadgets and gizmos, virtual communication has blurred the lines between casual jargon and professional communication. By following these tips for leaving a professional voicemail message, you will be sure to present yourself in the best light.

business woman

The Right Way to Leave a Voicemail

1. Assess your surroundings

Noise in the background of a voicemail is both unprofessional and distracting. Background noise can communicate to the receiver that you are inconsiderate and have not taken the time to prepare and assess your surroundings. Make sure you are situated in a quiet environment when leaving a voicemail to ensure that your message is clearly heard.

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2. Prepare a brief outline

Having a reference sheet will help you stay focused while delivering your message. Make sure to keep your outline concise; only include the essential points that you intend to cover in your message.

3. State your name and telephone number

Introduce yourself at the beginning of your message. Take your time in providing your contact information, making sure you are loud and clear in the pronunciation of your name and number.

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4. Identify your purpose for calling

Explain the purpose of your message directly following the statement of your name and telephone number. This includes any actions you would like the receiver to take.

5. Speak in a confident, respectful tone

Exhibit confidence while delivering your message, use appropriate language, and avoid filler words.

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6. Remain brief

No one enjoys listening to long, drawn-out voice messages. When considering what to say, identify one main point and discard the rest.

7. Briefly restate your point  and contact information

Reiterate the main point of your message and repeat your name and phone number. This will help the receiver remember your name and message and spares him from having to listen from the beginning to write down your contact information.

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The Takeaway

Whether your voicemail message involves a job inquiry, a business proposition, or any formal communication, it is crucial to present yourself in a professional, respectful manner. By utilizing these tips, you can rest assured that you’ll also be leaving a great impression.


The University of San Francisco, The Forum

University of Georgia, Career Center

Lehigh University, Library and Technology Services

Leaders Club, How to Leave an Effective Voicemail when Prospecting

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