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7 New Year Resolution Tips You Can Use Throughout The Year

by Stacia Pierce
new year resolution tips - write it down

The New Year generously offers us a clean slate to determine our own success. Starting fresh gives you an opportunity to reinvent your self and go after your truest desires, dreams and goals.

If you want to get ahead in the New Year, here are seven tips to start strong and keep your momentum until you reach your goals.

new year resolution tips - write it down

7 New Year Resolution Tips

1. Make time for solitude

Just 15 minutes in the morning of alone time can have a great impact on your day. In our 24/7 society, the constant connection with the world can get cumbersome and distracting. In solitude you can calmly consider your dreams and goals and envision your personal success.

2. Clean up the clutter

Organize and beautify your work and living space. It is hard to get ahead in a cluttered, chaotic atmosphere. Use organizational systems to make your space easier to navigate. Maintaining a clean, clutter-free atmosphere eliminates stress and improves clarity and focus.

Related: How to De-Clutter Your Home

3. Detox negativity

Rid yourself of people or things that drain your energy and make you feel bad. Your relationships can keep you in the know or out of the flow of success. Choose to associate with others who build you up, support you and challenge you to be better.

Related: How to Stop Negative Self-Talk

4. Make small changes for big results

Consistent action on a daily basis is easier to manage. When you make small changes, you will build momentum and confidence and reach your goals faster than if you try to attack a big goal in one full swoop.

Forget the superhero approach, you don’t have to leap over buildings in a single bound. The all-or-nothing approach can be daunting and demotivating. Instead, break your goals down into bite-size chunks and make a plan to take action daily.

Related: Set Your Goals – The First Step to Success

5. Add fun

Celebrate your victories, both small and great. For every goal, include a reward for completing it. Do what you love and find the fun in all that you do. Even if it’s just whistling while you work.

The more you enjoy your work and life, the happier and more accomplished you’ll become.

6. Be authentic

To get ahead this year, harness your originality and creativity to produce your best work yet. Embrace your genius and use it to enhance your life.

Related: Success & Failure – What’s the Difference? 

7. Write your own success story

Writing is a powerful success attraction action for abundance and dream fulfillment. Keep a journal to record your dreams, goals, past successes, brilliant thoughts, and action plans. Your writing will become instructions to your subconscious mind.

Thinking on paper is a big key to getting ahead. Use your journal to write truthfully, consistently, and often. You will discover so many new things about yourself.

Related: 7 Tips to Achieve Your Dreams

The Takeaway

Getting ahead takes planning, persistence, and progress. Some days may be better than others. However, your key to success is to keep at it. Distractions may come, obstacles will arise but you can overcome them and achieve your goals using these tips as a guide.


Stacia PierceStacia Pierce is the CEO of Ultimate Lifestyle Enterprises and has contributed her expertise to the Steve Harvey Show,, Huffington Post,,,, Beauty High, Emotional Mojo, and more. She is the author of 22 books and hosts an annual conference, The Women’s Success Conference, which attracts over 5,000 women annually.

Featured image by seanmcgrath

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