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4 Steps to Get Your Life Back on Track

by Jamelle Sanders

While I was going over my goals for the year, it was amazing to me how fast the time has gone. I believe that time waits on no man. In fact, I believe that one of the reasons so many people are living frustrated lives today is because they feel that they do not have enough time.

What I have discovered is that our lives often lack prioritization with the time we do have. Without prioritization we will never fulfill purpose or maximize our potential. As we head into summer, here are a few reminders to help you get your life back on track.

focus priorities

4 Ways to Get and Stay Focused

1. Confront Your Fears

You have to stop living your life afraid. I believe that our fears imprison our futures. So many times we live our lives controlled by our fears. You have to make a decision to stop being afraid. More importantly, you must make a decision to take a bold step forward if you want to break through the fear.

What you do not confront will always be the barrier to what your life could be. Don’t allow fear to steal another moment of your life. Confront your fears and create the future that you desire!

2. Reset Your Life

Insanity can be defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. As a coach, I cannot tell you how many clients have come to me repeating cycles and never realizing that nothing was changing. We all have to come to that place where we get tired of living on repeat. You have to make a decision that you are going to have a life reset.

When you reset your life you clear the distractions, concentrate your days and collide with your dreams. Resetting your life is putting everything in its proper place so that you can prosper in every area of your life.

3. Commit to New Priorities

While it is great to reset your life, the most important thing you will have to do is recommit to new priorities. You will have to hold yourself responsible and accountable. When you see yourself slipping into old habits you must immediately recommit to your priorities. Only you can choose what commitments you will make in your life. A life without commitments will produce complacency.

Commitment is not just about changing your actions but also changing your attitude. Attitude is vital if you want to alter your life.

4. Constantly Evaluate Your Choices

As a leading empowerment specialist, I believe greatly in the power of decisions. For years I have been working with people around the world to help them understand how their decisions impact their lives. You cannot engineer new cycles in your life without evaluating your choices.

The reason our lives get off track is because we start making poor choices. Poor choices create powerless cycles. Your choices create your commitments. You must assess your choices to ensure that they line up with your commitments. Otherwise, we will always deviate from our commitments and derail the change we want to create in our lives. This can be the most productive year of your life but it will require prioritization.

The Takeaway

If you want to live a greater life it starts with making quality decisions. More importantly, you need to live without fear and reset your life by removing the distractions that restrict you from realizing your dreams. Commitment is the first step to conquering anything in life. Commit to your dreams and you can conquer any doubt!

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Jamelle Sanders

Jamelle Sanders is the CEO of Jamelle Sanders International and is committed to empowering entrepreneurs and leaders to live up to their true potential and to profit wildly in their businesses. Jamelle is a life coach, author, leading empowerment specialist and highly respected thought leader. Jamelle has successfully empowered leaders and entrepreneurs around the world to succeed in business and in life.

Featured photo by Mark Hunter

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