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How Breast Cancer Completely Changed My Life…For The Better

by Janee Pennington

Some women collect pillows. Others, charms, antiques, or shoes.

I, however, collect lingerie. Or at least, I used to.

I loved feeling pretty underneath my clothes and I appreciated the beautiful detailing of an intricate design. When my husband and I traveled, I would seek out the best shops and walk miles to see the finest wares, which, in my mind were pieces of fine art.

So you can imagine my overwhelming disappointment when my doctor informed me I had breast cancer.

breast cancer

The Year That Everything Changed

I thought I would be able to get away with a lumpectomy, but nine months later, the aggressive tumor decided to return.

Within days, my breasts were sent to the chopping block, and I suddenly felt like an animal headed to the slaughterhouse. I felt robbed of my femininity.

Related: 5 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer

My surgeon had suggested I wait to be reconstructed due to my situation. “Life over cleavage” is how I deemed it at the time.

After dealing with the drains from surgery, I had to focus my attention on getting well.

This didn’t mean just physically: I needed to redefine my purpose, my mind and my outlook on life.

My Physical—And Emotional—Struggle

I was fitted with prosthetics. At first, it was odd wearing them. I had to have pockets inserted in over-sized bras (the type my mother wore and, may I add, not the most elegant) to accommodate them.

This helped with my body image, but I quickly realized the work on my psyche had just begun.

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I cried. I cried a lot.

And then one day, when I finally had no more tears to shed, everything changed.

My Epiphany

It was like someone had flipped a switch.

I realized I hadn’t lost my life, my family, or my friends. I was alive, and I still had work to do.

Before my breast cancer, I had been taking care of my elderly mother, who was suffering from dementia, amongst other ailments.

I was also writing a book, which was nowhere near finished. And in my mind, I couldn’t just leave my amazing husband; he counted on me to be here. I needed to be here. I had so much life I still needed to live!

I no longer collect lingerie, although I can certainly still appreciate it. My husband has since made some changes of his own.

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He used to buy me jewelry, beautiful pieces that would take my breath away. But now, he buys me hiking boots. Yes, I said hiking boots.

You see, being in nature, hiking spectacular landscapes, seeing the sunset from the top of a mountain…that’s more meaningful now than any piece of jewelry. These are the experiences we now enjoying sharing together and with our loved ones.

The Takeaway

In this process, I have learned many life lessons. Breast cancer was not my enemy; it was a blessing in disguise to a life of deeper and greater love, filled with an abundance of gratitude every day. Sometimes life does give us life-altering challenges, learning lessons or obstacles. The choice is up to you on how you take them on.


Janee PenningtonEntrepreneur-turned-author Janee Pennington wrote her debut novel Meeting Eve based on her 20 years in the hospitality industry. A funny, fast-paced, absorbing read, Meeting Eve inspires everyone to chase their dreams and live passionately.
Photo by See Creatures

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